Welcome to our Nationwide attorney referral service where
you can locate and find an experienced medical malpractice lawyer
near you. Each malpractice attorney in our lawyers network has over
ten years of trial experience in handling claims involving doctor
Why is medical
malpractice a growing epidemic in our country? Because
less than five percent of all U.S. doctors are responsible for more
than half of all U.S. negligence claims. Few New York doctors responsible
for the most medical malpractice payouts have been disciplined by
their state licensing board. Most of Massachusetts Physicians who
have paid multiple settlements continue to practice medicine. The
most overworked and inexperienced doctors -- interns and residents
who staff teaching hospitals -- continue to work as many as 20 hour
days without proper supervision. Of the nation's 3/4 million doctors,
only 2,000 bad doctors lose their license each year. The annual
costs to society for errors in hospitals are estimated at between
$17 billion to $29 billion. To adequately defend your rights you
need a medical malpractice lawyer who has the commitment experience
and resources to win your lawsuit.
Hospital Malpractice - Two million hospital patients acquire
infections that result in 90,000 deaths from infections alone
each year. That represents a rise of 36 percent since 1980, which
coincides with the proliferation of bacteria capable of resisting
the most potent antibiotics. The Center for Disease Control says
that many hospital personnel stubbornly fail to follow basic infection
control, such as hand washing between patient contacts. Our medical
malpractice lawyersalso handle cases such as failure to diagnose
cancers such as breast cancer; prostate, lung or colon cancer; Severe
Birth Injuries such as Shoulder Dystocia, Erb's Palsy, Cerebral
Palsy and Circumcision Errors; Vaccine and Blood transfusion contamination
injuries; Improper prescription of drugs; Surgical mistakes such
as utensils left in the body; Anesthesia errors and mistakes; Nursing
Home Malpractice Neglect and Abuse; Cosmetic Surgery failures
and disfigurations; Surgery Device Failures - such as the Sulzer
Hip Implant.
Our Medical Malpractice lawyers know the laws with special rules
and exceptions that exist in many states for these negligence
cases. For example, New York minors can have the time limits stopped
until they reach the age of majority. Many states toll the statute
for incapacity. Often language exists in the state law that does
not start the time limit running until the medical malpractice victim
knew or "should have known" about the malpractice. Special
rules can also exist for in hidden surgical instruments or "foreign
object" cases, in which the mistake is difficult to find in
a timely manner. In addition, where there is a death, many states
like Massachusetts and New York have "wrongful
death" statutes that govern the time limit for bringing
a malpractice action. These rules and exceptions exist in almost
all states so you should talk to a medical malpractice attorney
for the law in your state.
If you are a victim of medical malpractice then you may contact
an attorney using our links below and a member Lawyer will
contact you.
North Carolina